How do schedule changes work?

Learn about schedule changes to change the classes you are registered to take.

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Schedule changes by semester

Fall semester:

After schedules are live, students have through the first full week of school to request schedule changes.

Spring semester:

Schedules for the second semester are made live after Thanksgiving break. Schedule changes can be requested from then until the first Friday of the spring semester.

*Classes cannot be added to a schedule after the first full week of the semester is over.

How long do I have to drop a class?

Students have one month after the semester starts to drop a class without penalty. After one month, the class will be marked as a WF.

I got my adjusted schedule before the first day of school. Now, on the first day, my schedule is different. Why did this happen?

We desire for students to take the classes they need and want to take. Class sizes will continue to be balanced through the first full week, so minor changes in some schedules are possible to keep class seizes small. We build the schedule with these priorities: 

  1. classes you need
  2. classes you want
  3. classes by other preferences (teacher, period of day, etc)

Once student schedules are live in August, it can be viewed on a student's FACTS account.

Semester courses

Many of your course selections are semester only classes.  If you don't see a class you signed up for, it probably means it is in the second semester.