What is your tardy policy?

If a student is not in the classroom when the bell rings, they will be counted tardy.

  • If more than 10 minutes of the period is missed, the tardy becomes an unexcused absence.
  • A student detained by another teacher is expected to bring a note from that teacher with the date, time, and reason. Students without a note will be counted tardy.
  • Students will receive five “free” tardies during the course of the semester, after which there are fines and progressive consequences for not being punctual.
  • It is the desire that LHS and families partner together to encourage punctuality. Parents may excuse students for illness, but typical explanations of “traffic,” “oversleeping,” and “running late” will be included as part of the tardy count.

Excessive tardiness will be handled in the following manner:

  1. Students receive 5 “free” tardies during the course of the semester.
  2. Upon the 6th - 10th tardies, students will be fined $5 for each tardy.
  3. Upon the 11th – 17th tardies, students will be fined $10 for each tardy.
  4. Upon the 18th tardy, students will receive a 3-day suspension.
  5. Upon the 19th – 20th tardies, students will be fined $20 for each tardy.
  6. Upon the 21st tardy, a student will be recommended for expulsion.

In order to maintain a proper atmosphere for learning, LuHi stresses punctuality for its students. Students and teachers are expected to be in the proper classroom and ready for class when the bell rings.

Questions about attendance?

Find information on our attendance policy here: https://www.lhsparker.org/knowledge-base/attendance-policy-absent

Find more information in our handbook: https://522659.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/522659/forms/handbooks/2022-23-Student-Parent-Handbook.pdf