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  2. General School Questions

Why are phones allowed in classes?

We realize that phones are part of students' everyday lives. Besides their own phone usage, they see their parents, friends, and siblings all using phones throughout the day. We believe that it is the role of the school to manage their devices, not be managed by them. Instead of stating, "Phones can be a major problem, let's remove them." We have decided to say, "Let's teach students how to manage their phones with proper guidelines, support, and accountability."

We also want our student's experience to be more like a college environment than a middle school environment. Students can be taught to use devices appropriately. It is vital that they learn these skills before they graduate and enter college or their career field.

We understand that having phones in class will be a larger struggle for some students than others. Students will fail in the area of proper phone usage and will need accountability and help to get back on track. It is the heart of our teachers to provide that help.  LuHi teachers are committed to helping manage phone usage on a student-to-student basis.