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What are the service hour requirements for each student?

20 hours/year

Each student needs to complete 20 hours of service each year. They log their hours on the MobileServe app. Students can talk to their theology teacher for more information and details on how to log hours. 

Read more about our philosophy for service hours here:

Visit the LuHi Canvas Service Page to find information on our ongoing service opportunities and how to get involved: https://lhsparker.instructure.com/courses/2174

Why We Serve

God gives us His grace freely through Jesus, who willingly died on the cross to save us in our desperate need for love and forgiveness from sin. By this, He gives us meaning and hope in our lives. In this truth, God transforms us and gives us a new life in Him. For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.” (2 Corinthians 5:14-15)

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)

So as we, daily, in our desperate need for forgiveness, love, meaning and hope, dwell on the new life Jesus has given us, live out what God has done in us in service toward one another. 

This is our basis for how we live and serve. We hope to disciple and encourage students to understand this by helping them build a pattern of service throughout their lives.  

Service Requirement

Every student at Lutheran High School is to fulfill a minimum of 20 hours of community service outside their home and family environment every year in order to graduate. All hours should be recorded ASAP during or immediately after the time of service by documenting the required information in the MobileServe app. Directions on how to download and use the app are found below. 


  1. A minimum of 20 hours for each year will be completed by May 1. Any additional service hours after May 1 will be counted for the next school year. 
  2. If a student completes more than 20 hours in one year, the excess does not count for the following year. 
  3. Non-completion of service hours will result in an incomplete on the report card, withholding report cards/transcripts/diploma until hours are completed and submitted. 
  4. Acceptable service hours are as follows: 
    1. Something other than for your immediate family. 
    2. Outside regular school hours.
    3. Service is volunteer (not receiving pay or academic credit).
    4. If there is a question about your plan for service, check with your Theology teacher. 
  5. Examples of possible service: Mission trip (4 or less days = 20 hours, 5 or more days = 40 hours); any volunteer work at a church as worship leader; Vacation Bible School; childcare; helping with camps; Night To Shine; soup kitchens and other homeless ministry; food banks; help with elderly or those with special needs; serving at any nonprofit, etc. 
  6. Some specific opportunities for service can be found on the MobileServe app and on the Lutheran High School website. 

How To Document Your Hours

As mentioned above, you will document your hours through the MobileServe app on your phone. MobileServe is available as a free mobile app in the App store and Google Play and can be used on most smart phones and tablets. If you would rather not use the MobileServe app, you can create and manage your MobileServe account from any internet-connected device at: app.mobileserve.comLinks to an external site. Simply skip the download instructions below and start with Create Your Account. 

Download the free app by going to the App Store or Google Play, then search “MobileServe”. Tap the Get or Install button next to the MobileServe App. 

Create an account by opening the app or go to app.mobileserve.com

  1. Select Sign Up.
  2. Enter your name, birthday, and create a password. You must use your LHSPARKER.ORG email account. DO NOT USE YOUR PERSONAL EMAIL. You can skip the Employer/School box.
  3. Select Next.
  4. You can add a photo to your profile or skip it.
  5. Select Next.
  6. Enter the 6-digit code for your graduation year.
    1. For Freshmen (class of 2026)        30D5F5    
    2. For Sophomores (class of 2025)   CAFEDC
    3. For Juniors (class of 2024)             262F2E
    4. For Seniors (class of 2023)             F1C34D
  7. When it pops up, select Join

After you log your hours, they will still need to be approved by your Theology teacher. Your teacher will view your entry to see if you have completed the required information and whether your service qualifies as acceptable service. If there is a problem, the teacher will explain what still needs to be completed in order for your hours to be approved. These adjustments will need to be completed soon after receiving feedback from your teacher and before May 1. 

Final Thoughts

Our service to God and others does not save us. It doesn’t make us better than anyone else. It does allow us to see how God is at work all around us. It helps us get an idea of the gifts and talents we have been given by God to love others. As we get out of our comfort zone and ourselves, we start to see more of the amazing God we serve. We also are put into situations where God can show us His mercy in new ways.