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  • We Nurture

    At LuHi, we nurture a highly relational culture.

    You can see it in the interactions between students and teachers. You can feel it when you walk through the hallways. You can hear it in the way students engage in their education.

    A highly relational culture means our teachers are invested in students beyond their classroom. When teachers care deeply about students' emotional, spiritual, and academic growth, students want to be at school. LuHi students are all in. And that's a direct result of our highly relational culture.

  • We Engage

    We engage students in faith conversations.

    Recent research shows that 75% of Gen Z feel like there's no meaning in life. As a Christian school, we know our identity is found in Christ, and He gives everyone purpose. That's why engaging students in faith conversations is so important.

    By providing a space for students to ask tough questions, wrestle with what they believe, and point them back to Jesus, students build the foundation they need to be lifelong Christians.

  • We Are Rooted

    We are rooted in Scripture.

    At LuHi, we challenge each student to wrestle with four big questions: Who am I? What's my purpose? Where do I find hope? Is there truth? We also know the only place to find the answers to these questions is God's Word.

    Students don't just hear God's Word in theology classes and chapel. We speak truth into students' entire LuHi experience: in each classroom, on the field or court, on stage, and in one-on-one conversations.

  • We Teach

    We invest in hiring highly talented teachers.

    You know good teaching when you see it. If you think back to your own high school experience, what you probably remember most are the people who came alongside you. We want every adult that students come in contact with at LuHi to be highly relational, men and women of God, and good at what they do.

    We wouldn't be able to deliver on what we promised families unless all our teachers were invested in the mission. That's why we bring in the most talented teachers we can find to teach our students. Our teachers have an innate ability to know their students and get the best out of them.

Parent Testimonials

Our Mission
and Core Values

Our Mission Statement: Lutheran High School is a Christian school that nurtures academic excellence and encourages growth in Christ. Our three core values: We surround your students with highly talented teachers. We provide a highly relational environment. We are rooted in Holy Scripture.

See if LuHi is the right fit for your family  →

Of Students Say Teachers have high expectations for them
Of Students Say A biblical worldview is part of their daily experience
of Families say LuHi is Focused on Student Success
Of Parents say Christ is at the center of everything we do
"I love that LuHi goes all in for its students. I can truly say that all of the teachers are invested in being the best educator that they can and in knowing you personally."
Ashley Spokes, Class of 2023

Student Testimonials

Help Advance Our Mission

Your gift of time, prayers, and money makes a world of difference to our students and our school.

Read stories of student success and faith
