Our next expansion plan: lower land development
As LuHi grows, we are excited to continue our Greater Impact campaign. GI3 has officially launched. Learn how you can be part of the lower land development.
Your donations make a greater impact.
Whether you want to give to GI3, tuition assistance, the Recruit and Retain Rockstar Teachers fund, or another facet at LuHi, your gift is a blessing!
Greater Impact
Tuition Assistance
RRR Fund
Wills & Estates
IRA & Stock Gifts
Greater Impact
Greater Impact is our capital campaign to expand to serve more students. In 2022, a $6,200,000 educational wing was completed thanks to 770 donors. The current most-pressing need is an outdoor athletics complex to be built on 7 acres of undevelopment land on the west side of our campus. Over 400 student-athletes play football, baseball, softball, soccer, lacrosse, or track & field. In 2025, if fundraising goals are met, one and a half full-size, turf practice fields will be added, along with baseball and softball fields, parking, and amenities.

Tuition Assistance
The Ron Brandhorst Tuition Angel Program is our ongoing annual appeal. This year's goal of $260,000 will fund need-based tuition assistance granted to students. The aim is to help enable as many families as possible to afford an outstanding Christian education. We can reach this crucial goal with participation from immediate families, extended families, alumni, supporters, community investors, ministries, and churches.
Recruit & Retain Rockstars
The RRR Fund (Recruit and Retain Rockstars) is a recent initiative to enable us to recruit the very best teachers to LuHi as enrollment continues to grow rapidly. "Rockstars" is a metaphor for shining stars in any profession, the best of the best. Thanks to our growth, we can recruit exceptional teachers to join our outstanding faculty. Over the past three years, we added ten new full-time teachers and ten part-time experts to teach specialty electives, including computer graphics, pre-engineering, astrophysics, business studies, photography, and ceramics. Next year, we will need to add even more teachers as we anticipate increasing enrollment by over 10%. We are seeking $110,000 this school year to fund this initiative.
Tapestry Endowment
The Tapestry Society comprises supporters who inform the school or association that it is a beneficiary in an estate plan or will. By telling the school in advance, you can tell us what you would like your final gift to go towards (facilities, specific programs, tuition assistance, etc.). Tapestry Society members will receive a periodic newsletter with stories about how these final gifts make an amazing impact in this ministry to students.
Our Mission
and Core Values
Our Mission Statement: Lutheran High School is a Christian school that nurtures academic excellence and encourages growth in Christ. Our three core values: We surround students with highly talented teachers. We provide a highly relational environment. We are rooted in Holy Scripture.
Needed for the Rockstar Initiative
Needed for Tuition Assistance
Of the need has been met
Of the need has been met
Treyben Miller, Class of 2022
Become an Athletic Booster and make an immediate impact on the athletic budget, which operates separately from the school operating budget and relies on the generosity of supporters each year. Show your support for your LuHi Lions by giving to the overall operating budget or a specific athletic team on campus.
Performing Arts
Our music and theatre groups give God glory through performances, rehearsals, and preparation. The program exists to perform music at the highest level possible, challenge students to develop as musicians and individuals, and serve the community. Your gift can help this program reach its goals.
Student Testimonials
LuHi is unlike any other school. It has helped me improve my time management and handle the workload of classes and sports. We have a strong academic program that gets students prepared to handle life. Furthermore, I think back to past theology teacher's lectures as a resource when I’m faced with difficult situations.
Van Peters, class of 2024
LuHi has challenged my personal growth in my faith journey. I honestly think I would not be so certain in my beliefs or be willing to talk about my faith if it wasn't for the learning opportunities given to me. LuHi has provided such a great community, as well as given me opportunities to grow as a student, leader, and follower of Christ.
Allie Nagel, class of 2024
The LuHi staff is unbelievable. They care about each individual so much. Throughout the last several years, there has always been at least one staff member that I would feel comfortable going to if I just needed to talk. I always knew, however, that any one of them would take time out of their day to sit down and talk with me. This is something that makes Lutheran so special.
Jasmine Shelton, class of 2024
LuHi’s theology classes have given me a greater knowledge of my faith and helped answer all the questions that I had. LuHi has given me the opportunity to be surrounded by the Word everyday and that has impacted my life greatly.
Anna Roettjer, class of 2024
Other Ways to Give
Give with every Amazon.com purchase: Donate .5% of your Amazon purchases to LuHi! Browse through http://smile.amazon.com instead of http://amazon.com when purchasing. The first time it will ask you to choose a charity, search for "Colorado Lutheran High School Association ." That's it! For details, see http://smile.amazon.com/about.
King Soopers Community Rewards Program:
- Create an account at www.kingsoopers.com using your loyalty card or alternate ID.
- Once you have logged in, select My Account and then Community Partners.
- Search for Colorado Lutheran High School or select organization number RD414.
American Furniture Warehouse: When you shop at AFW, please remember to tell them Lutheran High School (LHS165) when you check out, and the school will receive a portion of your purchase as a donation from AFW. For more information, don't hesitate to contact John Rinks at 714-343-9179 or John.Rinks@LHSParker.org.