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3 Things that Shape a Student's High School Experience

Four years may not seem long to adults, but for high schoolers, it’s a quarter of their lives. Students' relationships, achievements, and challenges during these years shape their worldview. That’s why we emphasize where—and with whom—your student spends these formative years.

LuHi has three core values guiding us:

  • We surround your students with highly talented teachers.
  • We provide a highly relational environment.
  • We are rooted in Holy Scripture.

Core values shape schools. School shape students. As you consider which high school is the right fit for your student, consider the values behind the school.

1. Caring Teachers

Think back to your favorite high school class—chances are, it was your favorite because of the teacher. At LuHi, we recognize how important it is for students to feel seen, heard, and supported. When students don’t feel these things? Anxiety and depression can rule the day.

Once a year, students take a Student Care Survey to identify staff members they have connected with. This information is invaluable. When students run into an issue and need additional support, we know who to connect them with. Students who feel seen and known can overcome life’s hurdles.

LuHi is a place where students want to be.

2. Christian Character Development

Our Executive Director often says, “I would trust anyone on staff to give my own kids advice.” How many heads of school would emphatically say that? Trusting who your student spends 8+ hours a day around is essential for parents’ peace of mind.

At LuHi, we aren’t interested in promoting “morality” in students. Instead, our staff is all in on developing Christian character. God gives our life meaning and purpose.

LuHi helps students discover their God-given gifts and nurture them to maturity.

Here’s how we encourage that growth:

A Heart of Service

Every student completes 20 hours of service each year. Why? To learn the importance of empathy and selflessness rooted in who we are as loved and redeemed people. 1 John 4:19 reminds us, “We love because he first loved us.”

It’s not in our sinful nature to care about others. But we have a Savior who came down from heaven to live the life we cannot and die the death we deserve. Because Jesus willingly gave His life as a ransom for ours, we respond with love of our fellow image bearers. Out of an overpouring of His love for us, we serve.

With the help of the Holy Spirit and the Body of Christ, students learn habits of seeing others' needs and stepping up to help.

Positive Peer Influence

LuHi fosters a culture where we “spur one another on towards love and good deeds” (Hebrews 10:24). When conflict arises—because it will—we practice biblical conflict resolution as found in Matthew 18. Students are taught to go to the person who hurt them and have a face-to-face conversation. Bringing a mediator is encouraged.

We can all relate to having been hurt by others and hurting others. Conversations of repentance, forgiveness, and restoration happen daily around here.

Creating a Chaos-free Environment

LuHi has been blessed with significant growth over the past few years, but our core values remain unchanged. Growth brings complexity to the daily operations of a high school, making it essential to maintain order and focus.

Our Executive Director, Dan Gehrke, often references Netflix’s “chaos gap” concept, highlighting that chaos ensues when an organization’s challenges outgrow its ability to add high-performing employees.

This is why one of our core values is to hire highly talented teachers. The school’s mission depends on each teacher performing at their best. We set a high bar because we want every student or parent interaction with our teachers to be positive.

Teaching is an art. You know it when you see it: an engaged class, students reaching their potential, and challenges tailored to each learner. Talented teachers close the chaos gap and replace it with a stable, growth-promoting classroom experience.

3. Expectations of Academic Excellence

LuHi aims to help every student reach their educational goals. Whether it’s college, a career, military service, or trade school. Academic excellence isn’t one-size-fits-all because a student’s future isn’t one-size-fits-all. Instead, it’s about creating an environment where every student feels successful.

Our teachers focus on each student’s learning style, fostering engagement in every subject. Homework, assessments, and classroom interactions are purposeful, helping students understand their progress and building confidence. Academic excellence is measured by teacher talent and student engagement.

Students at LuHi know their success is desired.

LuHi creates a school culture that prepares students for their next educational steps and lays a foundation of the life skills they’ll need far beyond graduation. To learn more about our goals for every LuHi grad click here.

Originally published in 2021 under the name 10 Values to Consider When Choosing a High School, updated in 2024 for accuracy.

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