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As our students and teachers welcome a fresh start in 2020, we say goodbye to the year 2019 and also to the decade. But did you know that Mr. David Ness is also celebrating his own decade as principal at LuHi? For the past ten years, Mr. Ness has been guiding us with his God-given wisdom and leadership skills through countless changes, challenges, growth opportunities and improvements. In celebration of his tenth year anniversary, he’s here to share some insights into his life and role here at LuHi. 


What first led you into the education field? 

My love of history was the initial spark that got me excited about education. Getting to know students, their families, and colleagues and working together to build a positive school culture is what keeps me coming back! 

What do you enjoy about being a principal at LuHi?

I love the variety that comes with being a principal. Being a part of a community of students, parents, faculty, and staff on a daily basis is such a huge blessing. This includes regular school days, chapel, extracurricular activities, Grandparents' Day, Homecoming, performances, etc. 

What is your favorite memory from your time at LuHi?

I have really been blessed and humbled sharing the LuHi experience with my own kids. What a privilege to be able to compare notes on chapel, hear about the great things that are happening in their classrooms, and listen to them tell other family members about their teachers and coaches.

If you could have students bring you a treat every day for the rest of the year, what would it be?

It would seem most educational and healthy to say, "an apple", but I'd be much more interested in a Three Musketeers and a glass of milk. :)   

What is one goal or dream you have for our school that you would like to see manifested in the next five years? 

As students graduate and new students call LuHi home, I want to continue to see the great culture at school strengthened and preserved as we study God's Word and grow in our faith; expand opportunities and facilities; hire additional faculty committed to students through a passion for their subject matter and Jesus Christ; and train up students to impact the culture.  


Do you have a favorite book? 

Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough (Biography of Theodore Roosevelt).

What’s your favorite place to visit?

I really love visiting my home state of Minnesota. Whether it's spending time with family, exploring local history, cutting firewood, canoeing, or being in a blizzard over Christmas vacation, we have such amazing memories from time spent in the Land of 10,000 Lakes! 

Do you have a favorite Bible passage? 

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6). These verses are such a necessary reminder and reassuring promise.

Do you have any wisdom for students as they start the new year in 2020?

I'd love to encourage students to take advantage of a new beginning. A new year and a new semester is an amazing time to start fresh with habits, commitments, dedication to schoolwork and extracurriculars, and most importantly, spending time with Jesus on a daily basis!  

Thank you for ten wonderful years of leadership, Principal Ness! You have blessed students, teachers and families with your vision and talents. May you be equally blessed as you serve God, our school and the world for years to come.