Why Chapel is so Essential to Life at LuHi
It's so important to our culture that we consistently hear that we are loved, forgiven, and encouraged. Chapel is a regular place we hear that message.
BY Amy Kopecky
In this day and age, it’s easy to swipe a phone screen to message a friend, post an Instagram pic or send a Snapchat. Our phones are never out of reach and our connections are always within reach. And why not? It makes friendships easier, right? We talk to people more often—maybe even to God, since our Bible app is on our screen and can be accessed anytime, anywhere.
A smartphone can be used in many positive ways, but just like any tool, it has limitations. Emojis, live pictures and videos cannot totally replace the power of someone’s presence; of watching the changing shadows of facial expressions; of a physical bear hug that knocks you over in its exuberance.
Chapel is like a huge hug from God.
God asks us to spend time with him so he can love us. He forgives our sins and restores our relationship with Him. Just as we need the power of human touch, we need a physical gathering to worship our Father with our brothers and sisters in Christ. We meet every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for twenty-five minutes. A teacher, guest speaker or a presentation by the worship class will relate a message based on Scripture. The message is often followed by student or staff-led music and prayer.
Always, we receive:
1) God’s Word
“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12). When God’s Word is present among his people, He is active through the Holy Spirit, bringing about faith and transformed hearts. Chapel helps us set our priorities straight, setting an example for students to follow suit in their personal lives. We make space in our busy day to confess our sins and meet with our Savior, who promises to fill us and fuel us with His Word.
2) Encouragement
“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:24-25).
Some chapels are particularly meaningful to students and speak encouragement into their situations. Student Joey Rasmussen describes a powerful chapel given by Coach Murphy who was in the Aurora theater shooting. Coach Murphy spoke on God’s plans for our lives in the midst of turmoil. Payton Brgoch remembers listening often to “Reckless Love” during a stressful sophomore week. That Friday, the Worship Class sang it and brought her to tears. It reminded her that God and her LuHi community was present with her in her struggles.
3) Forgiveness
“But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you” (Psalm 130:4).
Chapel is a unique place where students and teachers can share in the profound moments of grace in their lives. As a freshman, McKenna McSpadden was deeply impacted by the Worship Class’ presentation called “Always Forgiven, Never Forsaken.” Students she looked up to shared testimonies about how they could never outrun God’s love. Chapel reminds us of our rescue through Christ’s death and resurrection.
At LuHi, we will continue to worship together; we will lift up the name of Jesus, hear His Word proclaimed, and know his forgiveness. No matter what mistakes we’ve made, God our Father is waiting at the end of the road to wrap us in a strong embrace.
If you are curious about what Chapel at LuHi looks like, you are welcome to join our student body. Chapels are each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday we are in session. Contact Hannah Buchholz (hannah.buchholz@lhsparker.org) to arrange a time to observe Chapel.